Diona Rodrigues
Diona Rodrigues

About me 🏳️‍⚧️

Enthusiastic front-end developer with 10 years of experience in building and maintaining modern and user-focused interfaces.

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." - Steve Jobs

I had many opportunities in my previous jobs to develop strong UI / UX design skills and I also participated in large projects such as HP Life and Nike ecommerce Brazil.

I'm always trying to grow and learn something new. I lose track of time when I'm playing the violin, studying languages or simply reading a good book.

Download my CV.


Proficient in HTML, CSS, JS and design principles - as well as modern libraries, frameworks and tools (such as React, Storybook and Jest) - I have experience in organizing meetings with the team to ensure functional and visually attractive interfaces.

I've collaborated on great brands such as Nike Brazil, HP Brazil and International, HCSS and Call Source. Previously, I worked for Via Varejo - owner of large Brazilian ecommerces, such as Casas Bahia, Pão de Açúcar and Ponto Frio.

I also have participated in amazing open source projects such as Definitely Typed (currently managed by Microsoft), GatsbyJS and Front-end Brazil Community. I was one of the organizers of Code in the Dark Brazil and helped a great event for developers called Front In Sampa during its first editions.


  • Modern and solid web development stack, including: React, Next.js, Gatsby.js, Storybook, Typescript, unit test tools, ES6 features and CSS preprocessors;
  • Use of the latest features of web development: lazy-load, CSS Grid, async/await;
  • Experience with APIs: GraphQL and REST;
  • Knowledge of mobile development: mobile patterns and development with React Native.
  • Others: Experience with Webpack, Gulp, Wordpress, Material UI, Bulma, Bootstrap. Familiarity with Node.js, Docker, NPM and CI/CD environments.

Web Design

  • Visual design process: participation in user tests, creation of prototypes and UI guidelines using Adobe XD and Photoshop;
  • User-centered design always: big fan of the concepts of Emotional Design and Design Thinking;
  • Understanding of design principles: ability to create pleasant and functional interfaces capable of orienting users' eyes to what is most important;
  • Others: strong experience with Mobile First approach and Design System;

Download my CV.

I've been helping to make this world a little better through design & code. ✨

I've been helping brands elevate their story

  • Nike Logo
  • HP Life Logo
  • HCSS Logo
  • Definitely Typed Logo
  • CallSource Logo
  • Resoptima Logo